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SB 721 California State Balcony Inspection Law for Apartment Buildings

Updated: Jul 19

SB 721 requires inspections of apartment buildings with Exterior Elevated Elements (EEE) to be completed by January 1, 2025. Apartment buildings that are proposed for conversion to condominiums to be sold to the public after January 1, 2019, must be inspected prior to the first close of escrow. EEE inspections, as well as any required maintenance or repair identified after inspection, are the responsibility of the building owner.

Understanding SB 721: A Crucial Deadline for Apartment Building Owners

As the deadline for SB 721 approaches, it's essential for apartment building owners to understand their responsibilities and ensure compliance. Enacted to enhance safety, SB 721 mandates inspections of Exterior Elevated Elements (EEE) in apartment buildings. Here’s what you need to know:

Key Requirements of SB 721

  • Inspection Deadline: All apartment buildings with EEEs must be inspected by January 1, 2025. This includes balconies, decks, porches, stairways, and other elevated structures that extend beyond the exterior walls of the building and rely on wood or wood-based products for structural support.

  • Conversion to Condominiums: For apartment buildings proposed for conversion to condominiums after January 1, 2019, an inspection must occur before the first close of escrow. This ensures that any potential safety issues are addressed before new owners move in.

  • Owner Responsibilities: The responsibility for EEE inspections, as well as any maintenance or repairs identified during these inspections, lies with the building owner. This means owners need to be proactive in scheduling inspections and addressing any issues promptly to avoid penalties and ensure tenant safety.

Why SB 721 Matters

The primary goal of SB 721 is to enhance the safety of multi-family residential buildings. With regular inspections and timely repairs, the risk of structural failures that could lead to injuries or fatalities is significantly reduced. For building owners, this not only helps in maintaining the structural integrity of their properties but also in building trust with tenants and potential buyers.

Steps to Compliance

  1. Schedule an Inspection: If you haven’t already, schedule an inspection with a qualified professional to assess your building’s EEEs. Make sure this is done well before the January 1, 2025, deadline to allow time for any necessary repairs.

  2. Review Inspection Reports: Carefully review the findings from the inspection. Any identified issues should be addressed immediately to ensure your building meets safety standards.

  3. Plan for Repairs: If repairs are needed, plan and budget for them accordingly. Delaying repairs can lead to more significant issues and potential legal consequences.

  4. Maintain Records: Keep detailed records of all inspections and repairs. This documentation can be crucial in case of future disputes or audits.


SB 721 is a critical piece of legislation aimed at improving the safety of apartment buildings with Exterior Elevated Elements. By understanding the requirements and taking prompt action, building owners can ensure compliance, protect their tenants, and maintain the value of their properties. Don’t wait until the last minute—start the inspection and repair process now to meet the January 1, 2025, deadline and safeguard your investment.

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